
Basics on Wearing Jewelry in the Workplace

Beautiful golden bracelets on grey background

Beautiful golden bracelets on grey background

Fashion jewelry has many different applications, and one area where it can be an important consideration is in the workplace. The phrase “dress for success” extends to all the accessories you use as part of your outfit, including jewelry.

At AAA Jewelers, we have numerous pieces that are perfect for any workplace environment. Here are a few basic tips on wearing your fashion jewelry in the office.

Finishing Pieces, Not Embellishments

In general, it’s best to think of your workplace jewelry as finishing pieces rather than overall embellishments. Put another way: You want to attract, not distract. Your jewelry shouldn’t be meant to immediately draw every eye in the room, but rather to give a subtle and classy finish to the rest of your look. Many people look for simpler pieces that match their basic color scheme – attracting too much attention with a given piece of jewelry might not be the best move career-wise in certain settings.

Don’t Be Too Flashy

Jewelry can signify financial success or possibilities, but this isn’t something that should be done in any major way around coworkers. Many peers or even subordinates will view this as flaunting and a form of superiority or prestige, which won’t be respected in some circles. You want to stand out in the workplace, but not in this kind of manner. Look for a way to look good and feel confident without going too over the top.

Going Bold

If you must go bold, look for single accessories to make your statement. If you’re wearing a big ring, you likely don’t need to go out of your way to further accessorize with a watch and bracelet. If you want to wear more than one piece at the same time, limit it to two and spread them out when it comes to placement.

For more on how to wear fashion jewelry in a workplace setting, or to find out about any of our jewelry offerings, speak to the experts at AAA Jewelers today.