
Factors Influencing Diamond Cost, Part 2

diamond gem jewel

In part one of this two-part blog, we went over some of the important factors that dictate the cost of a given diamond. Many people know the “Four Cs” of diamonds, but there are additional factors that complement these when it comes to determining how a diamond will be priced.

At AAA Jewelers, we have a huge range of diamonds in all shapes, sizes and colors. These naturally vary widely in price, and you need to know how this process works to make the most informed decision. Here are a few more of the important factors you should be aware of.


Clarity is one of the four Cs we mentioned, and it’s tracked by grades. It has to do with how well you’ll be able to see into and through the diamond, a big factor in determining the overall quality. A stone high in clarity will look sharp, while those lower can look dull or milky. Clarity is impacted by inclusions, which refer to marks inside the diamond that show imperfections. The more inclusions, the lower the price will generally be.

Polish and Symmetry

These aren’t factors that are quite as vital as cut or clarity, but it’s important not to forget about polish and symmetry when it comes to diamonds. Many people consider these elements together – they’re related, but not exactly the same when you delve into the detail of the diamond. Any visible asymmetry will naturally lower the price significantly, but you can see incremental price drops even for small, barely detectible issues.


The last of the four Cs on this list, cut is valuable because of the way it impacts the brilliance of the diamond. It’s also the toughest of the four Cs to quantify numerically – a lot of cut is about an in-person visual and how it impacts the viewing experience.

For instance, you might have two diamonds that are virtually identical when it comes to the other three Cs plus other factors we’ve discussed here – but the price could vary between these by over 25 percent just based on the cut. This could be based on cutting method, the style and other factors.


Finally, like any other popular commodity, the price of a given diamond is impacted strongly by the market for similar products. Basic supply and demand plays a big role here, as does general popularity among buyers. This latter factor will shift over time – the kinds of diamonds that are most popular today may not have been 20 years ago. Forecasting these trends isn’t always easy, but a bit of research here can often lead you to a good deal based on market factors.

For more on how a diamond is priced, or to learn about any of our diamond jewelry or engagement ring options, speak to the staff at AAA Jewelers today.